School supplies are beginning to appear in the stores – it must be time to think about Operation Christmas Child! The Mission Team is ready to pack boxes as a group again. This is the best time to pick up many of the items we will need for our boxes. We will be packing boxes for boys age 10-14. This age group tends to be neglected, so we decided to send them some love! The items we need are toys, solar calculators, pens, pencils, pencil sharpener, erasers, rulers, scissors, composition books, markers, colored pencils, toothbrushes, toothbrush holders, soap, soap boxes, combs, washcloths, and T-shirts. You can also pack a box at home for any age boy or girl. You may also help by buying some of the plastic boxes we’ll need. You can sign up on your connection card. Remember that you will also be sending the truth about Jesus in keeping with our mission to be Sharing Christ! Changing lives!”