Campaign News
- Stained Glass Windows Priority GridIf you would like to provide input on the themes for our new stained glass windows, please print and fill out the form below. The form may be brought with you to church, mailed in, or scanned and emailed to the church office. If you have any questions, please reach out to the church office. Check out this video for instructions on how to fill out this priority grid.
- HEARING LOOPGood Shepherd is now equipped with a hearing loop in both the Worship Space and the Gathering Space! If you have a hearing aid that can connect to the loop, please make sure you have made the accommodation, enabling you to better participate. If you don’t have a hearing aid but need hearing assistance, we have system devices that you can use. Please see the folks at the tech board and they will supply you with one.
- “GO” CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONSThank you to all who have contributed to the Go! Campaign. As of the end of August $260,107.24 has been received. Your offerings will be a great blessing as together and for generations to come, we Go! When making a “Go” campaign contribution, please use a campaign envelope or make sure you note on the memo line of your check that it is for the campaign. Please write your name on the envelope so that we can give you the proper credit. Additional envelopes are available at the Usher Station in the Gathering Space. We thank everyone who has madeContinue reading ““GO” CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS”
- CONGREGATIONAL MEETING, JULY 23 & 24, 2022The Renovation Committee has another proposal that they are asking the congregation to consider. It is for the updating of the office furniture and technology. We are asking for a Congregational meeting on Saturday and Sunday, July 23 & 24 following each service. We are using the furniture that was in the old office that we moved out of over 15 years ago. It has been used in that office for over 15 years. It has served us well, but really does not enable us to work at our best nor does it make our best presentation to those who visit our office. Continue reading “CONGREGATIONAL MEETING, JULY 23 & 24, 2022”
- GREAT NEWS FROM HABITATThe build is happening. Each Tuesday – Thursday you can help. The day typically runs from 8:30 AM – 3 PM (although it often ends a little earlier.) You can sign up on the sheet on the Wittenberg door for any day. Invite a friend to join you. They have tools if you don’t. If you’re bringing your own tools, please mark them, so they don’t get misplaced. Four Saturdays are planned at this time, if you’re not available during the week: May 14, June 18, July 23 & August 6. If you are able to work during the week,Continue reading “GREAT NEWS FROM HABITAT”
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